Thursday, April 24, 2008

I hope to post a real message soon. I've been so sick lately that I am medicated half out of my mind. The good thing is that even though it's been rough for me, I still feel God holding me close. Being crazy can really suck sometimes, but I believe that I was supposed to be imbalanced so that I can tell others like me about how awesome God is.

It's also important to know that being bipolar is really not any different than being a diabetic. Their imbalance affects their blood sugar, which can also affect their mood. I cannot will myself into balance any more than a diabetic can will their blood sugar to change.

Although it can be hard to remember, this is a gift and not a burden. Being able to reach others for God is a priceless gift that I am grateful for.

Thanks for reading my post!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great start, sweetheart. I love you more than I can say.